Below, we describe the evaluation process in an effort to improve transparency surrounding the convention.

Who are the reviewers?

The core SPSP Convention Committee is responsible for reviewing the preconference applications and determining what preconferences are accepted on the program.

What criteria are used in the evaluation process?

  • Unique topic that has minimal overlap with other proposals
    • 4: Completely Unique (no overlap)
    • 3: Mostly Unique (a little overlap)
    • 2: Somewhat Unique (quite a bit of overlap)
    • 1: Not Unique (lots of overlap)
  • Would this application be in your top 17 for the program
    • 3: Yes – exceptional submission
    • 2: Maybe – satisfactory submission
    • 1: No – would not recommend for the program
  • Anticipated strong attendance for preconference
    • 4: Excellent Attendance – over 150
    • 3: Very Good Attendance – 100-149
    • 2: Good Attendance – 51-99
    • 1: Low Attendance – less than 50
    SPSP will try to consider as many preconferences as possible, but the resources needed to plan and run each preconference is a key deciding factor. This means that the expected number of participants is not the only criterion, but will be considered as one of the selection criteria.

    Virtual (5 preconferences in 2024) - Average 79 attendees; Range 49-101 attendees

    In-Person Full Day (11 preconferences in 2024) - Average 120 attendees; Range 90-198 attendees

    In-Person Half Day AM (6 preconferences in 2024) - Average 86 attendees; Range 41-115 attendees

    In-Person Half Day PM (6 preconferences in 2024) - Average 106 attendees; Range 81-130 attendees

  • Advances the diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism goals of SPSP
    • 3: Exceptional – The submission clearly and strongly advances SPSP's goal of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    • 2: Satisfactory – The submission slightly to moderately advances SPSP's goal of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. We expect that this rating will be the most commonly applied rating.
    • 1: Not Applicable – The submission does not advance SPSP's goal of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion or the submitter preferred not to answer.

Submissions advancing these goals may include (but are not limited to):

  • Diverse invited speakers (if applicable)
  • Diverse members of the host team (e.g., those from underrepresented sociodemographic backgrounds, from an array of career stages, from outside the United States, or with professional affiliations that are not typical at SPSP such as predominately undergraduate serving institutions, minority-serving institutions, or outside academia. This can include providing research and training opportunities to students from underrepresented and/or marginalized backgrounds, even if they are not part of the author team)
  • Presentation topics (e.g., prejudice and discrimination, critical theories, cross-cultural research)

These dimensions are not included in the average score of the reviews, but considered separately when finalizing decisions and scheduling information.

  • Strong history of attendance (e.g. meets 75% of room capacity or 100+ attendees)
    • Yes = 2
    • No = 1
  • Was this preconference included in the previous year's program?
    • Yes = 2
    • No = 1

How are the schedule and format of preconferences determined?

Each year as more topics emerge and more individuals are interested in attending, space becomes more and more limited. Due to space limitations and budgetary restrictions, not all applications are guaranteed acceptance and we are now offering half-day slots.

In the application process, we ask preconference organizers what formats they prefer to host their session. The convention committee tries to schedule preconferences in their top preference, though this can be challenging when so many organizers prefer full-day, in-person sessions.

We are still considering what formats to offer between virtual, full-day, and half-day. Based on organizer and attendee feedback, satisfaction with preconferences is significantly higher when offered in person and there is a continued desire to move forward with full and half-day options. We will try to rotate preconferences between format types as needed to ensure the same preconferences are not always receiving a second/third choice format. This will increase access to all preconferences over the years to engage with your community of researchers. We will aim to accept at least two new preconferences a year (pending review scores).

If your preconference is not accepted one year, please apply again as we want to ensure a variety of preconferences are offered from year to year. The committee also plans to prioritize consideration of new preconference submissions.