Intervention Science: Harnessing Psychology to Address Real-World Social Problems

The Intervention Science preconference brings together researchers interested in turning psychology outward to understand and address pressing societal issues. In 2024, we will showcase intervention research using diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to tackle social problems. Our preconference will involve discussions on how to develop rigorous interventions with research that bridges the gap between basic and applied perspectives, as well as how to translate such research into scalable interventions that have real-world impact. We also invite abstract submissions to present in our poster session (open to all attendees) and/or to give an early career data blitz (open to graduate students and recent PhDs).

Confirmed speakers include Carol DweckMarkus Brauer, Jason Okonofua, Ivuoma OnyeadorRebecca LittmanSherry Wu, and Patricia Andrews Fearon. We also plan to feature a panel discussion on the critical topic of testing theory in intervention science. 

The preconference will run from 8 AM - 5 PM. A detailed draft schedule will be posted soon. Times and activities are subject to change.

Preconference Organizers

Stephanie Carpenter, [email protected], Arizona State University
Catherine Thomas, [email protected], University of Michigan
Patricia Andrews-Fearon, [email protected], Stanford University
Gregory Walton, [email protected], Stanford University 


Preconference submissions are now closed. If you have any questions about this preconference, please email the organizers (listed above).
