
This preconference explores social psychological research on religion and spirituality to understand when, why, and how religion/spirituality affects cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes. Integrating empirically-based cutting-edge research with interdisciplinary approaches, this preconference showcases state-of-the-field theory, methods, and research that advances a rich and diverse scientific study of religion and spirituality. This year, our focus is to highlight the diversity of methods that can be used to study the psychology of religion and spirituality around the world. Religions continue to be a central part of social life across cultures, and this preconference showcases the methodological diversity in cutting-edge research across a wide range of human phenomena intersecting with religion and spirituality. As in previous years, to encourage young researchers to connect with experts in the field, we anticipate fully funding graduate student registration fees with support from The John Templeton Foundation. In addition to invited speakers, we will select 10 data blitz speakers and several poster presentations from submitted abstracts.

Preconference Organizers

Cindel White, [email protected], York University
Michael Barlev, [email protected], Arizona State University
Jana Berkessel, [email protected], University of Mannheim
Daryl Van Tongeren, [email protected], Hope College


Preconference submissions are now closed. If you have any questions about this preconference, please email the organizers (listed above).
