
The Personality Science Preconference showcases new directions in personality and individual differences research across diverse topics, methodologies, and samples. Programming includes traditional symposia, an early career data blitz, hack-a-thons, and ample opportunities for open discussion, encouraging active involvement by all attendees. Given that personality psychology is the study of similarities and differences in individuals’ experiences, we will feature programming that intersects with social, cultural, clinical, health, biological, organizational, and community psychology and beyond. Join us!

Preconference Organizers

Ted Schwaba, [email protected], Michigan State University
Oliva Atherton, [email protected], The University of Houston
Erica Baranski, [email protected], California State University, East Bay

This preconference is sponsored by the Association for Research in Personality.


Preconference submissions are now closed. If you have any questions about this preconference, please email the organizers (listed above).
