Campbell Award

This award recognizes distinguished scholarly achievement and sustained excellence in social psychology research.

First given in 1980, the Donald T. Campbell Award is a senior career award that recognizes distinguished scholarly achievement and sustained excellence in research in social psychology. This award is intended to recognize rigorous research over one's career, rather than one specific discovery or publication.

This award honors an individual who has contributed to the field of social psychology in significant ways. It is not limited by research area or methodological approach to social psychological science.

Recipients of this award receive up to $1000 in travel ($1500 International), complimentary convention registration, up to three hotel nights at the convention hotel, and a plaque, with acknowledgment at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention. The recipient will also give an address in a special plenary session (along with the Block Award and Distinguished Scholar recipients).


Steve West, Arizona State University

Senior Career