Background Information

In 2021, the SPSP Equity and Anti-Racism (EAR) Taskforce suggested that we ask people to indicate how their presentation advances the Equity and Anti-racism goals of SPSP. The SPSP Board of Directors agreed that we should do so.

Submission Guidance

As you are preparing your Diversity, Equity, Inclusion or Anti-Racism (DEIA) statement, consider the following.

  • You only need to write a statement if you respond yes.
  • Submissions are not required to advance the DEIA goals to be accepted.
  • Posters, research spotlights, and roundtable unconferences are exempt and will not be asked to provide a DEIA statement.
  • When including researcher attributes or characteristics, you do not need to disclose specific identities to receive a high review score.
  • Recommended Length: 500 characters-650 characters (including spaces)
  • Maximum Length: 1,200 characters (including spaces)

Statement Prompt

Do you believe this submission advances the diversity, equity, inclusion, or anti-racism goals of SPSP? If so, please share how your work challenges traditional structures of power by, for example, elevating underrepresented voices, supporting scholarship that expands the generalizability of the field, supporting scholarship that is contextualized in historical time and place, and/or incorporating interdisciplinary approaches. This may include, but is not limited to: The research participants in the sample; the methods used in the research; the members of the research team(s) involved in the work (e.g., background, diversity, career stage, affiliation type); the topic of study (e.g., prejudice, equity, cross-cultural research).   

( )Yes
( ) No
( ) Prefer Not to Answer
If yes, how?  

Response Examples for Each Category

Topic of Study: "The present findings may be applicable to the extent that people make inferences about wealth based on a person's race."

Researcher Attributes or Characteristics: "The research team includes people minoritized based on their racial/ethnic, immigration status, and sexual identities across several career stages."

Participants: "The sample is diverse in many ways (race, gender, income)"

Location Where Project was Conducted: "…this research was carried out at a university in [location redacted], which can provide information about the research experience in this context that is underrepresented."

Informs Interventions that Promote EIA: "…to guide future interventions aiming to make sports more welcoming for all athletes."

Methodology Used: "Importantly, we used several analytic techniques that demonstrate the robustness of our conclusions."

Something else: "Our first author… is active in DEI work at the administrative level"

Review Process

Reviewers will evaluate the extent to which the submission advances SPSP's goal of promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, or anti-racism. Submissions advancing these goals may include (but are not limited to):

  • Diverse research participants (e.g., understudied or underserved populations)
  • Diverse research methods (e.g., methodology that promotes equity or engages underserved communities or scholars).
  • Diverse members of the research team (e.g., those from underrepresented sociodemographic backgrounds, from an array of career stages, from outside the United States, or with professional affiliations that are not typical at SPSP such as predominately undergraduate serving institutions, minority-serving institutions, or outside academia. This can include providing research and training opportunities to students from underrepresented and/or marginalized backgrounds, even if they are not part of the author team).
  • Presentation topics (e.g., prejudice and discrimination, critical theories, cross-cultural research).
  • Rating Scale:
    • 3: Exceptional- The submission clearly and strongly advances SPSP's goal of promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, or anti-racism.
    • 2: Satisfactory- The submission slightly to moderately advances SPSP's goal of promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, or anti-racism. We expect that this rating will be the most commonly applied rating.
    • 1: Not Applicable- The submission does not advance SPSP's goal of promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, or anti-racism or the submitter preferred not to answer.
  • After the review process is complete, the decision-makers will use these scores to create the program.
    • Symposia: Used to make decisions for research with equal scientific merit on the margin of acceptance alongside other criteria (e.g., increasing coverage of a topic area).
    • Single-presenter podium presentations: Used to make decisions for research with equal scientific merit on the margin of acceptance; rely primarily on reviewer scores of DEIA; used alongside other criteria (e.g., increasing coverage of a topic area).
