The Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) joins with other scientific societies and psychology departments to “share our concerns that basic science research is being redefined as a clinical trial at NIH.”
"The undersigned organizations applaud NIH for its work to improve transparency in clinical trials. We recognize that concerns have been raised with the agency that not enough data elements are being collected on clinical trials, and that the results of NIH-funded clinical trials are not being published in a timely manner. We understand that these are real problems the agency must address.
We write, however, to share our concerns that basic science research is being redefined as a clinical trial at NIH. We see this as a distinct matter that does not relate to the problems associated with clinical trials the agency is attempting to address. Yet, basic science investigators will be unnecessarily burdened with requirements relating to conducting clinical trials that have nothing to do with their own research.These include limiting research proposal submissions to funding announcements that are specific to clinical trials, subjecting basic research proposals to new and “more rigorous” review criteria for clinical trials, completing new forms, and participating in good clinical practice training. At a time when Congress has asked for reduced burdens on investigators, we are surprised by NIH’s actions."